Hi there! I’m so glad you’re here because you need not only relief from chronic digestive conditions, but you also want to feel great and live freely without pain and dread of the toilet.
I suffered from constipation, gas, and bloating most of my life until I found functional medicine. I thought I had tried everything and I would just have to do my best….. until I finally learned about the “underlying causes” approach. Functional medicine changed my understanding about health and took me from pooping some days per week to pooping 2x plus per day, no more gas, no more bloating and improving my overall health as a result! When you get those kinds of results all you want to do is share that success with others, so that is what I have done!
I help people overcome their chronic digestive conditions so they can live freely without pain or dread of the toilet using my program THE GUT SOLUTION.
I am a Mother of two, Founder of THE GUT SOLUTION & Reclaim Optimal Health, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher, Thai Massage Therapist, and have a BS in Political Science in International Relations from the University of California San Diego.
I look forward to helping you optimize your gut and resolve your gut and health issues!
In great health,